The Performance Flow

Acquire customers faster by working with us on your performance campaign strategic needs whilst developing a creative platform that establishes your differentiation in the market. In other words, let's find you more customers!


In most circumstances, businesses are looking for growth, however, increasing conversions seems to be a never-ending struggle. Our fundamental insight has indicated that most marketers are now running remarkably similar tactics, and the early movers are now paying a premium due to increased competition and changing buyer behaviours. To solve this our approach covers three overarching factors. Positioning, Strategy and Creative



Today's market is crowded with competition, from direct competitors to competing for your target customer's attention and money. To succeed, your business needs to differentiate itself, understand your audience, and offer a unique value proposition. This is essential to any successful performance-focused campaign.


Market leaders succeed through strategy, not just a list of tactics and wishful thinking. A winning strategy involves understanding your target audience, selecting appropriate channels and tactics, and having a unique marketing approach that sets your brand apart and makes it memorable.


Reaching platforms and audiences is easier than ever, but this means your target audience is bombarded with more noise and competition for their attention. To make an impact, you need creative content that stops them in their tracks and leaves a lasting brand impression. This requires a creative platform, clear positioning and a thoughtful strategy.

The Performance Flow Services


Acquisition Platform

We generate a creative concept that inspires and guides the strategic and creative process, with messaging and copy that connects with your audience and highlights the benefits of your product or service. We also develop a visual design for assets like ads, landing pages, email templates, and social media posts.


Capture Existing Demand

We identify high-intent buyer interest for a product or service and rather than generating initial interest, our marketing strategy is focused on converting existing interest into a sale. Our team leverages various channels such as paid search, paid social, SEO, email automation and website optimisation to attract new customers.


Create New Demand

To create new demand, we leverage various paid channels to test everything from positioning, value proposition, offers, messaging and creative to constantly expand reach, enticing and educating new buyers to ultimately reduce the marketing customer acquisition cost. New creative is developed every 6 weeks based on previous learnings and applied to various marketing and sales efforts.


Create A Network Effect

The network effect marketing strategy aims to generate buzz and create a ripple effect where people share the company/campaign/offer/incentives with their networks, leading to significantly increased reach and impact of the marketing campaign on the business results.

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