The Breakup: As Exkom lost its spark and our electricity with it, we Alumo'nated the nation to a better alternative.
Alumo EnergyIndustry
Home Improvement
In Business
Since 2017
2021 - 2022
South Africa
They say that there are several stages to any break up.
You go through denial, shock, grief, anger… and well, eventually acceptance.
And if anyone knows about the hardships of going through tough stages it’s South Africans. Just ask them to show you their EskomSePush notifications.
The reality is that South Africans are in the greatest breakup to sweep the nation: one with their local state-owned power source. Worse off, they aren’t just going through the normal breakup stages, but experiencing loadshedding stages too - where individuals are left without power for hours, sometimes even days.
All of a sudden locals have had to learn precisely how long a candle lasts, what a UPS is or how quickly a freezer can defrost without any electricity. South Africans have ultimately been left powerless … Or have they?
What happens when you want to break up with the country's only state-owned power provider? How do you maintain a sustainable, reliable source of electricity in and amongst continuous blackouts?
You don't panic or even submit to the darkness. Instead, you choose the light; you choose Alumo.
The Post-Breakup: Getting you turned on again
The best way to get over a breakup is to make light of a dark situation and that is exactly what Alumo Energy has done.
Alumo Energy was established with the vision to provide a sustainable solution to the increasing demand for energy in South Africa by offering end to end solar-energy that meet customer needs and budgets. Not only does this mean that South Africans will no longer be reliant on the current grid, but also help actively contribute to a greener future by switching to solar power.
By getting households and businesses turned on during loadshedding, Alumo guarantees that lifes goes on as normal - as it should be!
Ultimately, the aim of Alumo Energy exists beyond merely generating uninterrupted electricity. They stand to educate, inspire and enable South African families to be more energy efficient, power independent and most importantly experience the power of getting turned on during serious power outages.
The Glow Up: Getting you Alumo’nated
When Alumo Energy called on Inversion we were tasked with generating the following:
- Awareness: Generate reach and seed the message of ‘BEAT #Loadshedding. Claim your power.’ with Alumo Energy
- Education: Educate people who do not know enough about how solar works as well as its benefits
- Conversion: Drive people to ‘claim back their power’ and ‘get switched on today’ with must-have offers (when necessary).
However, before we could light the way, so to speak, with a new marketing plan, we knew that we needed to create an overall key communication line. A message that understands the consumer and empathises with their frustration, actively challenges the status quo, whilst also promising to help liberate the consumer:
This would drive many of the outputs that our company created for Alumo, including:
- Brand assets and stationery including car wrapping
- The creation of a brand-new, SEO-optimised website
- Integrated campaigns including radio
- Social Media content and management
- Performance campaigns and creative
What our work meant for Alumo
↑ 283%
Y.O.Y Sales↑ 975%
17 Month Av. Sales vs Prior Period↓ 46.47%
Cost of Acquisition